Easily build alternative investments into your practice. Third Wire creates portfolios that provide access to alternative investments across investment styles, strategies, liquidity, and risk profiles. But we are not an ‘access only’ platform that wraps existing funds with an additional layer of fees while passing on responsibility for due diligence to you or another third party. We conduct thorough due diligence on every manager and stand behind our managers and selection process.
We manage a full range of liquid and illiquid alternative investment offerings to help you meet your clients’ needs.
Liquid Diversified Multi-Strategy
Five actively-managed multi-strategy hedge funds that fit into standard wealth management risk categories—conservative to aggressive.
✓ Diversified, risked-based exposure
✓ Managers of different strategies and markets
✓ Monthly redemptions – 15 day notice
✓ Low fees & minimums
Illiquid Concentrated Multi-Manager
Multi-manager commercial real estate, private equity/credit, venture capital, and hedge fund strategies for building targeted private market exposure.
✓ Targeted, concentrated exposure
✓ Managers of similar strategies and markets
✓ Long-term investment horizon
✓ Low fees & minimums
Investment Products
Access leading alternative investment managers and a full range of strategies through either our plug-and-play multi-strategy and multi-manager portfolios or by building custom portfolios tailored to your clients’ unique objectives. We can also white label any of our existing portfolios for use with your clients.
Service Solutions
An end-to-end solution for investing in alternatives—pick and choose the solution you need, or let us work with you to build something special: paperless investing, portfolio modeling and construction, and administration and reporting. We can also serve as your CIO to help you select investments and build and manage a comprehensive alts program.
Thought Leadership
In addition to providing the latest research, insights, and commentary about alternative investments, our team gives you access to portfolio managers and product specialists from leading fund managers. We’ll help you deepen your understanding of alternatives and how to integrate them into client portfolios.
Contact us to learn more about our OCIO solutions or our comprehensive due diligence, portfolio management, and monitoring processes.
110 North Wacker Drive, Ste 2500, Chicago, IL 60606 I info@thirdwiream.com
©2025 Third Wire Asset Management, LLC. All Rights Reserved.